230 California Street, Suite 510, San Francisco, CA 94111

Innovate [Decision Analytics Talent]

Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness

Get the right people, method and platform to rapidly and effectively build analytics.

Designing and building a decision analytics use case requires a range of skills, tools and knowledge. The Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness solution provides you with the people, method and platform that you need to systematically drive vale from analytics.

  • Full service analytics consulting: study the problem, design the solution, implement using our platform and methodology, analyze results and drive iterations.
  • Create analytics tools that generate insights and link the analysis to decisions and results
  • Track and enable the business changes needed to get value from analytics investments
  • Monitor how the analysis is used to drive decisions and get business results
  • Instrument the decision cycles to enable preventive maintenance of the analytics
  • Enable champion/challenger analysis to proactively and rapidly adapt

Why you need Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness

A broad range of skills, tools and knowledge is required to build decision cycles that include data-to-insights and insights-to-results. This knowledge may not all be available in-house, or where available its practitioners may not have the capacity required for rapid builds. Rapid build cycles are used to quickly iterate to find the best methods to improve decision effectiveness. You need both the rapid build processes and skills in different types of analytics techniques:

  • Decision Architecture to frame and identify the business scenarios for the use of analytics
  • Descriptive Analytics & Clustering
  • Predictive Analytics & Data Mining
  • Prescriptive Analytics & Optimized Advice
  • Adoption & Outcomes Analytics
  • Continual Review, Predictive Maintenance of Models, Champion/Challenger Comparisons

What is the Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness service?

Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness is a service offering. Experts work with your people, data, and systems to build decision analytics tools for each analytics lever. These tools address data-to-insights and insights-to-results, providing the end-to-end analytics required to make decisions more effective.

  • Decision Analytics: build the analytics tools required for the selected analytics lever
  • Decision Analytics Iteration: cycle through the use of the analytics tools to assess how they drive results. Modify and run the cycles until the decision analytics become repeatable. Set up the mechanisms to track and report the results of using the decision analytics tools.

How is the Innovation for Decision Analytics Effectiveness service delivered?

The project starts with the review and development of Decision Analytics Use Cases. Next comes the iterative cycles of building the analytics, conducting reviews and making modifications as needed. Iterations include deploying the analytics in pilot cases. The solution includes building and usage of the decision analytics tools and processes required to drive business benefits from the selected decisions.

Contact us to find out how we can help your company! CLICK HERE